Writing Pieces

I finally figured out how to get this on its own page!
Please keep in mind that these are all in their roughest form, I just wanted to share with you!

The Typo

There is a typo on the hospital menu this morning. What is usually a carefully proofread and elegantly written list of bullshit has somehow been printed with an error. Maybe it was deliberate, maybe it was put here to tell me something. Tell me how to get out of here? Maybe. I’ve tried to make… Continue reading The Typo

Knock Three Times: Part One

I do not know the original photographer, if you do please let me know.

Matilda sat alone in her ground floor apartment. Her eyes followed the lines of the book, but her mind followed the footsteps of large and loud Mrs. Flintman upstairs. She heard that woman everywhere and was beginning to think Mrs. Flintman was loud on purpose, although one look at the woman would change the mind… Continue reading Knock Three Times: Part One

Knock Three Times: Part Two

Picture Courtesy of google images

Matilda woke up a few hours later, her apartment quiet and cold. Stuffing her feet into her slippers, she shuffled to the thermostat. It was still set at the seventy mark from earlier, but the room temperature read about thirty-eight degrees. Matilda tapped on the thermostat and selected the outside temperate. It read sixty degrees.… Continue reading Knock Three Times: Part Two